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Welcome to Monkseaton High!

To Year 8 Pupils,


I am a current Year 9 at Monkseaton High and I’m writing to share my experiences on the change in schools you all are about to go through this summer. Last year, I was in your position, just finishing middle school and getting ready to make the move up to High School however – thinking back to when I was the one moving up, I remember feeling both nervous and excited for the upcoming changes that lay ahead. I was sad at leaving everything behind, after many years but couldn’t wait to move on and start another journey at MHS.

The first day was most definitely the hardest, especially walking up the path and seeing all the older pupils around me however, after the first day, life at Monkseaton began to become a lot easier as I gradually began to fit in and start a new chapter. Luckily, I had a couple friends making the move with me; however, it was quite easy to make new ones on the way because of the welcoming and friendly atmosphere the school provided for new pupils joining at the same time as me.

One of the main things I thought would be a struggle was navigating the school and finding my way around but after just 2 or 3 days I knew the layout of the school really well and there is always people there to help send you in the right direction. The school also lets you be quite independent if you want to and possibly go out on lunchtimes or join one of the many clubs available for all year groups to try something new.

Good Luck.


Dear New Year 9,


Having been through it myself I understand transferring from middle school to high school can be daunting especially if you are one of the few going to a different school than your friends, but I want to reassure you that you should try and not view it in this way. I came from Wellfield and only had one friend come to high school with me, the rest went to a different school. If you are in a similar situation or even if you aren’t my best advice would be to view this as a new beginning and don’t let this hold you back.


At first I viewed this as a negative thing I was sad to not be carrying on my school journey with my middle school friends. However, I shortly realised how friendly everyone was including staff. They help you settle in and are very approachable! 


High school was the best few years of my life. I enjoyed it so much I decided to stay on for Sixth Form. A highlight for me has to be getting involved with school activities and trips. My favourite, being the Netball and Football trip to Malta. Involving myself within after school activities such as the Netball team allowed me to find my passion for the sport. I have since joined and played for a Netball team outside of school. This lead to my confidence growing to which I then joined the football academy. Shaping my future and resulting in me now going on to Study Sport at University.


As a whole my advice is try out new things, make new friends and take the opportunity to prepare yourself for the years to come but also make some of the best memories. Although if it doesn’t go to plan don’t be afraid to talk to members of staff they will help and like I mentioned above they are very approachable and friendly. 


Have the best time! I wish I could go back and do it all again :)


A Sixth Form Student


Dear New Year 9s,

Welcome to Monkseaton High School. As a new student in 2019 I walked into the school

ready for a new start.  From the beginning I found the school to be encouraging towards students to

be who they wanted to be.  The support staff and teachers are outstanding and make sure that your

welfare and safety is a priority.


When you join Monkseaton High School there will be lots of other students from various schools, this helps you make new friends and expand your social circle. The school’s ethos is what represents our school. At school everyone has equal rights and a voice that can be heard. There is a student council where you can share your thoughts and views. Careers advice gives you support and guidance when you need it.  Our school does not focus on any disability but encourages your capability.  In our canteen we have multiple choices of healthy food inc vegetarian options and special dietary requirements.


I hope you have an excellent first term settling into your new environment. If you need help finding your lessons any student and teacher will be happy to help, just ask.


Best wishes

A student at Monkseaton High School.


If you are thinking about joining Monkseaton High school go ahead it’s full of friendliness and fun!


I’m a year 10 and I understand how worried and scared you must be to joining this school, I understand where you are coming from, on my first day I was scared too! But once you get in, make friends and meet the staff it is such a smooth transition. The staff are very caring and the pupils are very friendly, any support you may need they will have your back 100%. If you have any troubles or worries there is a LSC also known as the learning support centre and the staff in there are very kind and always willing to listen to you. There is also an amazing mentor called Mr Shaw who is always available to see you about any concerns you may have and help you in any way possible.


I hope you have a smooth transition!


Dear New Year 9,


Starting a new school can be daunting, exciting and refreshing. It’s the chance to have a new start in which you can decide how you want others to see you. You’ll make new friends and you might even become close with people you’ve known through middle school but never actually spoken to.  When I was starting Year 9 I was so excited. I was excited to have a fresh start with new friends, new teachers and a new building to find my way around. However, I also found it a bit daunting and sad, because I was leaving behind all I’d known for the past 4 years. But my excitement hid the majority of my worries.


My advice to you is:

  • Make the most of both Year 9 and your time at this school because it goes quicker than you can imagine

  • Enjoy it, you only get this year once and you’ll always look back on this year.

  • Get involved in as many things as possible, this will make your experience so much more fun.

  • Be yourself and don’t let others put you off being you (you don’t have to follow the crowd).

  • Try to make a good first impression for everyone in the school. They’re what truly count.

  • Don’t be shy to talk to new people, after all everyone is in the same boat as you.

  • Even if your teachers are being annoying please still respect them because at the end of the day they only want the best for you.

  • Don’t be scared to talk to teachers because they are there to help you.

  • Remember that the older year groups aren’t as scary as they might seem at first.

  • Finally, try your best and work hard (especially in maths and science) as you will be learning things that you’ll need for Year 11.

  • ​

My favourite bits of starting Year 9 were: not being treated like I was in primary school anymore, being able to present myself as I wanted (within reason), having a bit more independence and also the funny things that would happen. Within a week I felt I like I had always been part of the Monkseaton High family, this was especially down to how friendly and helpful everyone was.

There will be both ups and downs in your time at Monkseaton High but just know that you are in the most supportive school ever and the staff will be there with you for all of the moments where it’s a happy moment or whether it’s a down moment.

So to you all, I hope you enjoy year 9, it truly is one of the best years you will experience. I hope you have a great time at Monkseaton High!


Year 11 Student.


Starting year 9 at Monkseaton High school was quite strange at first but the more I thought about the more it made sense, my siblings had gone, I had gone with my sister for her parents’ evening and I had gone for a workshop event. Going to this new school was obviously, like the two previously, was strange and above all, confusing. Suddenly going into this new environment with a completely new variety of people to be taught by, a completely new layout and a new set of people to know. Thankfully, I had my friends to adjust to the new school quicker and the more approachable teachers made it much easier to adjust to the bigger school. What made the first few weeks of year 9 easier was the fact that the teachers would no longer talk to you like a child, but maturely and would not feel condescending anymore. To whomever is reading this, starting year 9 may be scary at first but, adjusting should be breeze.

Good Luck


Dear New Year 9


I know that as you’re reading this you may be experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. When I was in this position, I was not only incredibly excited but also terrified. Terrified of what this brand-new school with brand-new people was going to be like. So, I know that this may be daunting now but I promise that in no time at all, the fear that you're facing will disappear. And soon enough it will be you drafting this letter to the ‘new year 9s’.


High school was always deemed a distant thought to me when in middle school and then suddenly I was being thrust into a whole uncharted environment in what felt like a matter of minutes. And yet soon enough Monkseaton High School was a safe space. A school that I finally felt excited to go to, somewhere with passionate teachers who really care for your future. I have made friends who will be by my side throughout all the ups and downs and perhaps most importantly I have grown into myself. I became more confident, enough so that I somehow managed to become the chair of the student council – albeit sometimes unsuccessfully.


The support from the school both academically and personally is incredible, which encouraged me to continue at MHS Sixth Form. It is safe to say that I will wholeheartedly miss this school as I progress into higher education.


The best advice that I could give you would be to make memories here and grow into yourself authentically and know that the teachers will always have your back. I sometimes wish that I could do it all again.


Good luck

A Sixth Form student

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