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Frequently Asked Questions (parents)

My child has Additional Educational Needs (AEN), how will they be supported?



Will my child be in classes with their friends?

Whilst we know that joining a new school can be a stressful time there are no guarantees that your child will be in a class with their friends. This is an exciting time for them to make new friends. They can see their friends at both break time and lunchtimes.



Are classes taught in sets?

The only class taught in sets is maths. Every other lesson is a mixed teaching group.



How do I order uniform?

Our uniform aims to promote individuality and inclusion in line with our ethos. Students have the flexibility to make a personalised choice within specific guidelines outlined below. We believe this will help to promote our school in a positive manner in the local community. You can order the uniform here:



When do students pick their GCSE options?

Our students will pick their option choices for GCSEs in March/April following a period of advice and guidance.



Any student will AEN will be allocated a Key Worker and a Student Support Plan will be put in place and reviewed regularly to ensure that the support is in place to ensure your child is able to succeed at Monkseaton High School. We will be liaising with the middle schools to ensure that we have all the relevant information and speaking with yourselves to ensure this is a smooth transition for all.



How do I apply for a school bus pass?

Guidance on applying for school bus passes can be found by following this link for North Tyneside residents -



My child is entitled to Free School Meals – what do I need to do?

Students will be issued with a personal code that they will use to access their free school meals; it is important that they do not share this information with other students. If you need to apply for Free School Meals please follow this link



What happens if I feel my child is being bullied?

We take issues like this very seriously in school and we would ask that you contact your child’s tutor as soon as you have a concern about your child. This way we can start to investigate and ensure your child is supported.



I have a worry or concern about my child. Who do I contact and when?

Your first point of contact is your child’s form tutor. You can contact them via telephone. Please bear in mind though that staff do have a teaching timetable so may not be able to return your call straight away. We ask that you do not come to school without an appointment as we can’t always see you.



Can my son/daughter bring their mobile phone to school?

Yes, they can bring a phone but they can only use it at break and lunchtimes in specified areas. If students are caught using it at other times it will be confiscated. Any items of value brought into school are done so at your own risk and we do not take any responsibility for loss or damage. You can find out more here.



Who can my son / daughter speak to if they are worried or upset?

If your son / daughter has any worries or concerns they should speak to their form tutor in the first instance at the first possible opportunity.  Following this discussion, we can decide on the best pathway of support for your child.



Who do I need to speak with to pass on any medical concerns about my son or daughter?

We would ask that any relevant medical information about your son / daughter is passed to Mrs Wood who is the Year Leader for Year 9



How much homework will my child receive?

You son / daughter is likely to receive on average one hour of homework per night. Students will be provided with clear instructions from staff as to what is expected from each piece of homework and will also receive a realistic timeframe within which to complete the homework. A timetable will be sent in September and you will be able to track homework via Class Charts.



When will we find out who will be our child’s tutor and Head of Year?

Students will be placed into tutor groups in the summer term and normally find out this on the transition day. Obviously with the current COVID-19 scenario we are unsure whether the transition days will take place as normal. The Year Leader is Mrs Wood.



What do I do if my child is unwell?

Attendance is very important to us at Monkseaton and we aim for every child to have an attendance of 96% and above. However, we understand there are times when children genuinely get ill. If your child is unwell on the morning of school, please use your discretion as a parent as to whether they should attend school. If they have been sick or have diarrhoea, please do not send them to school. If it is a common cold, we would encourage students to attend school where possible. You should contact the attendance line stating the reason for non-attendance, and each day thereafter before 8:30am. Telephone number: 0191 297900 option1 – you may need to leave a message and we will contact you as soon as we can.





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© 2023 Monkseaton High School, Seatonville Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE25 9EQ

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