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MHS Teachers & Staff

As a member of staff at Monkseaton High School you can have a huge influence on the future of our students. You can shape and influence the choices they make and the pathways they intend to follow. It is therefore vital that you are empowered to support our students and have access to the most up to date information about careers and the possible destinations our students may pursue.


The Gatsby Benchmarks

These are the 8 benchmarks every school aims to achieve which would ensure an effective CEIAG programme. 

1. A stable careers programme 

2. Learning from career and labour market information 

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil 

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers 

5. Encounters with employers and employees 

6. Experiences of workplaces 

7. Encounters with further and higher education 

8. Personal guidance


Connexions - Personal Guidance (BM8)

If you feel one of your students needs more support with their next steps you can refer them to Angela Towes, our in-school Connexions Careers Advisor ( Our advisor is available in school 3 days a week (Wed/Thu/Fri) from 9am-12.30pm and can be found in the pods in the Sixth Form area. 


Careers in the Curriculum (BM4)

Helping students to see the importance and relevance of what they're learning for the real world is vital. There are loads of easy ways to incorporate careers into your subject curriculum;

  • signpost careers that link with topic areas as they are being taught...and how the skills being developed are vital for the world of work. This could be done within starter or plenary tasks.

  • get involved in "careers in the curriculum" weeks - get students talking about careers in your lessons!

  • create careers displays within your department areas - use the CEC My Learning My Future Subject Resources

  • organise employer talks, activities and trips for your students

  • undertake employer projects (e.g. Computer Science (SHL) and ForFusion)


FE and HE (Further and/or Higher Education) (BM7)

One route our students may take is to progress into further or higher education.


Further Education – College or Sixth Form (usually study at level 3 but can be level 1 or 2 depending on GCSE performance)

Higher Education – University (or College) – students may choose to study an undergraduate degree or foundation degree.


UCAS: Supporting students with Personal Statement Writing for HE


Click here for the UCAS Personal Statement Worksheet



UCAS: Tariff Points 
















Click here for the MHS student UCAS tariff point guide

Click here to access the UCAS Tariff calculator



There are many different apprenticeships that our students can choose to follow if they so wish to. These apprenticeships range from business and finance, sport and leisure to construction and engineering. Depending on the apprenticeship, and the level, the requirements (both education and personal) will vary – it is important that students check these carefully before applying.

















The best way to find/search for apprenticeships is using the governments 'Find an apprenticeship' search tool: This search tool allows students to filter apprenticeships by areas of interest and distance from their home. Students can  set up alerts so they can be kept up to date with the most appropriate apprenticeships for them. Although students can search for apprenticeships at any points in the year, we would recommend students start looking around Dec/Jan in Year 11


Labour Market Information (BM2)

The world of work is ever changing and it is vitally important that you are able to provide students with the most up to date information about the career field(s) that they are interested in. LMI is exactly this, up to date information about employment across all sectors. Specific information about the North East would suggest that there are 4 growth areas in the region; advanced manufacturing, digital, energy and health and life sciences. To find out more about these sectors and the North East LEPs strategic economic plan click on the document images below;













For more LMI information;

North East Ambition LMI Resources - here 

Click here for the North EAST LMI Summary by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills



This “Careerometer” is an easy way to find out more about different careers and professions – compare and contrast careers based on salary, hours, job roles & responsibilities, and growth.


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To help your students find an apprenticeship you can use Unifrog - they have the most up to date vacancies at all apprenticeship levels.





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© 2023 Monkseaton High School, Seatonville Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE25 9EQ

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