Key Stage 5
At Monkseaton High School we provide a broad and balanced KS5 curriculum that inspires students to learn. The curriculum has been designed to ensure it caters for the individual needs of all our students including SEND and disadvantaged. A wide variety of teaching and learning strategies are used to engage all students in lessons and help promote independent learning. There is a particular emphasis on literacy and numeracy across the curriculum and the use of ICT in all subjects is used as a tool for effective learning.
There are a variety of pathways for students to follow dependent on their learning style, interests and level of study. Our pathways specifically offer recommended subjects that will lead to popular careers and employment routes.
The 3 pathways we offer are:
The Academic Pathway
The Academic Pathway is usually taken by students who have achieved mainly 9 – 5 grades in all subjects. Students on these pathways go on to apply for university after Sixth Form.
The Combined Programme of Study
This pathway allows students the freedom to combine AS Levels and vocational courses, giving the flexibility to access a pathway with a combination of exam and coursework assessment, whilst having the option for many different routes post 18, including university, apprenticeships and employment. Students who access the combined pathway will largely have achieved grade 4 or Merit grades in the subjects studied in Year 11.
The Level 3 Vocational Programme of Study
This programme allows students to specialise in one or more subject areas. This pathway leaves the option of university open – but only in courses that follow a similar subject area. Students could also access apprenticeships and direct employment after Sixth Form. Students who access these courses should have 5 grade 4-9s with some courses requiring English and/or maths given the amount of written work or numeracy required. If they have completed the course at level 2, the minimum of a Merit is required.
The following courses are currently offered as options, though the curriculum offer is reviewed annually and amended to suit the needs of the cohort and individuals.
Academic Applied General (Vocational)
Art Digital Media
Biology Sport
Business Studies Health and Social Care
Chemistry Child Care
English Literature
English Language
GCSE Re-Sit English and Maths
Students who have not archived a grade 4 or above in either English Language/Literature and/or Maths will be required to study these subjects in Sixth Form alongside their choice of pathway (dependent on entry requirements of individual subjects).