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Exam Information

After the success of the summer exams in 2023 we are delighted to share the information below about the GCSE (11) and GCE (12/13) exams in 2024. The information below includes key dates and information that you can use to ensure you know exactly what to expect in summer 2024. 


Summer Public Examination Dates 09 May – 26 June 2024

All students must remain available until the 26th June in case an awarding body needs to invoke its contingency plan. There are 3 contingency dates in place for 2024 - these contingencies are in place in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom:

06 June - afternoon

13 June - afternoon 

26 June - all day

Please note: if an exam is rescheduled for one of the contingency dates and

the student is not available to attend (i.e. due to a holiday) they will not be eligible for special consideration by the exam boards. 


Exam Timetables

All students receive an individual examination timetable - this will include a chronological list of their exams (based on the subjects they study) as well as the locations of and specific seats for each of their exams. It is vital that students keep these safe and refer to them each day during the exams window so they do not miss any exams. If you have any questions or queries relating to exam timetables please contact the school exams officer: Mick Hartley ( or the school office on 0191 297 9700.


Year 11 Summer Exam Timetable 2024 - *coming soon

Year 12/13 Summer Exam Timetable 2024 - *coming soon


Results Days

Students will receive their results on the dates outlined below; 

A Level/Level 3 Vocational: Thursday 15/8/2024

GCSE/L1/2 Vocational: Thursday 22/8/2024

If your child is unable to attend their results day please let us know via -

alternative arrangements can be made to ensure they receive their results. 


Post Results Services

If you are unhappy with any of your exam grades you can use exam board post results services.

Depending on the exam board there are generally three services available;

1. Access to scripts - this allows you to access your marked script from your exam(s). 

2. Clerical re-check - this is where the exam board will check that all aspects of the paper have been 

marked, marks are recorded/added up correctly, special consideration (if applicable) has been applied

and that grade boundaries have been applied accurately.

3. Review of marking - this service involves a senior examiner reviewing the marking of a specific unit/component within a subject area.

*Please note - fees for these services vary depending on exam board. Fees can be found on the exam board websites using the links below. 


Exam Board - Post Results Services Information 

AQA Post Results Services - here

Edexcel Post Results Services - here

OCR Post Results Services - here 

WJEC post Results Services - here 


If you wish to use any post results service you should follow the steps outlined below; 

Step 1

Email and indicate the name of the student and their year group (e.g. Joe Bloggs, Year 11) which service you require (e.g. review of marking), the subject and unit/component (e.g. Maths Paper 1) and exam board (e.g. Edexcel).

Step 2

The exams officer will respond via email indicating the fees and charges, if any, for the services you have requested.

Step 3

On receipt of fees and charges (if applicable) - you must respond confirming that you wish to proceed at this point. 

Step 4

You will then receive an invoice for the services requested which must be paid before step 5 can commence.

Step 5

The exams officer will contact the relevant exam board and initiate the process for the service(s) requested.

Step 6

Once the exam board has responded the exams officer will confirm the outcome of the request via email. 


Helpful Websites and Documents

Below are a series of documents and links, produced by Ofqual, the DfE, and the JCQ

to help explain the examination processes to students and parents:


More information can also be found on exam board websites;


Edexcel (Pearson)
















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© 2023 Monkseaton High School, Seatonville Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE25 9EQ

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