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Key Stage 3

Term One

Term Two

Term Three

Half Term One
- Genre: An exploration of three literary genres through short stories - Detective, Dystopian and Science fiction.

Half Term Three
- Frankenstein: Read and explore characterisation, elements of structure and theme.

Half Term Five
- Diversity – exploration of range of fiction and non-fiction.

Half Term Two
- Literary Heritage: Overview of key literature movements leading to writing to describe / narrate.

Half Term Four
- Writing for Purpose- transactional writing.

Half Term Six
- Prejudice – A Merchant of Venice.

Key Stage 4

Term One

Term Two

Term Three

Year One Half Term One
- Introduction to Paper 1 language – responding to and creating fiction texts
- An introduction to Power and Conflict poetry with a focus on a selection of war poetry
- Spoken language presentation: Heroes

Year Two Half Term One
- Revisit ‘Macbeth’ with focus on Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and The Supernatural
- Revisit Language Paper 2

Year One Half Term Three
- Introduction to Paper 2 language – responding to and creating non-fiction texts.
- An introduction to ‘An Inspector Calls’. Read and focus on plot, character and key themes.

Year Two Half Term Three
- Revisit Language Paper 1
- Revisit Power and Conflict poetry focusing on power/control

Year One Half Term Five
- An introduction to ‘A Christmas Carol’ with cold read
- Revisit Paper 1 language
- Preparation for final spoken language presentation.

Year Two Half Term Five
- Revisit Language Paper 1
- Revisit Language Paper 2
- Revisit ‘An Inspector Calls’
- Revisit ‘Macbeth’
- Revisit ‘A Christmas Carol’

Year One Half Term Two
- An introduction to ‘Macbeth’. Read and focus on plot, character, and tragic elements.

Year Two Half Term Two
- Trial exams
- Revisit ‘An Inspector Calls’ with focus on Sheila and Mrs Birling
- Revisit ‘A Christmas Carol’ with focus on Scrooge’s experience with the 3 ghosts.

Year One Half Term Four
- Revisit Power and Conflict Poetry focusing on remaining poems
- Unseen poetry

Year Two Half Term Four
- Revisit Language Paper 2
- Revisit ‘Macbeth - Kingship, The Porter Scene
- Revisit ‘A Christmas Carol’ with focus on The Cratchits and Ignorance and Want.

Year One Half Term Six
- Trial exams
- Revisit ‘A Christmas Carol’ with focus on the ghosts
- Spoken Language presentation: Final assessment

Key Stage 5

Term One

Language Year One Half Term One
- Methods of written and spoken language analysis.
- Textual Variations and representations.

Language Year Two Half Term One
- NEA Original Writing
- Child Spoken Language Acquisition
- Language Change

Literature Year One Half Term One
- ‘King Lear’: Explore text with focus on aspects of tragedy.

Literature Year Two Half Term One
- ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’: Explore text with focus on aspects of personal and social protest writing.

Language Year One Half Term Two
- Methods of written and spoken language analysis
- Textual Variations and representations
- An introduction to diversity in spoken language – accent and dialect

Language Year Two Half Term Two
- Children’s literacy development
- Language Change
- Language Diversity

Literature Year One Half Term Two
- ‘King Lear’: Explore text with focus on aspects of tragedy.
- ‘Death of A Salesman’: Explore text with focus on aspects of tragedy.

Literature Year Two Half Term Two
- ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’: Explore text with focus on aspects of political and social protest writing.
- Unseen political and social protest writing

Term Two

Language Year One Half Term Three
- Language Diversity: Accent and Dialect; Gender; Sexuality; Age; Power; Occupation
- Developing creative writing

Language Year Two Half Term Three
- Global English
- Revisit Language diversity for Paper 2 Section A, B and C
- Revisit Textual Variations and Representations for Paper 1 Section A

Literature Year One Half Term Three
- ‘Tess of The D'Urbervilles’: Explore text with focus on aspects of tragedy.

Literature Year Two Half Term Three
- ‘The Kite Runner’: Explore text with focus on aspects of political and social protest writing.
- ‘Songs of Innocence and Experience’: Explore text with focus on aspects of political and social protest writing.
- Unseen political and social protest writing

Language Year One Half Term Four
- Language Diversity: Accent and Dialect; Gender; Sexuality; Age; Power; Occupation
- Developing creative writing

Language Year Two Half Term Four
- Children’s language acquisition
- Language Change
- Language Diversity

Literature Year One Half Term Four
- Revisit ‘King Lear’
- Revisit ‘Death of A Salesman’
- Revisit ‘Tess of The D'Urbervilles’

Literature Year Two Half Term Four
- Revisit ‘King Lear’
- Revisit ‘Death of A Salesman’
- Revisit ‘Tess of The D'Urbervilles’

Term Three

Language Year One Half Term Five
- Language Diversity: comparing how writers write about language use and creating their own texts about language and diversity
- Textual Variations and representations
- An Introduction to NEA

Language Year Two Half Term Five
- Textual Variations and representations
- Children’s language acquisition
- Language Change
- Language Diversity

Literature Year One Half Term Five
- NEA Applying feminist criticism to poems from ‘The World’s Wife’
- Revisit ‘Death of A Salesman’
- Revisit ‘Tess of The D'Urbervilles’

Literature Year Two Half Term Five
- Revisit ‘The Handmaids Tale’
- Revisit ‘The Kite Runner’
- Unseen political and social protest writing

Language Year One Half Term Six
- NEA: Language in action (investigation)
- NEA: The Power of persuasion or Information (original writing)

Literature Year One Half Term Six
- NEA Applying feminist criticism to poems from ‘The World’s Wife’
- NEA Applying Marxist criticism to a novel (students’ choice)





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© 2023 Monkseaton High School, Seatonville Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE25 9EQ

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